

Saturday, June 27, 2015

baby time!

The moment your wife's water breaks, it breaks!

It was 20 March 2015 around 2100 (9:00) and I'm outside smoking I come inside and my wife is creeping towards the stairs like she's the pink panther, I ask whats going on?  and I see a trail of something following her and going down the side of her leg.  I'm what the heck  is going on? I start freaking out checking her over and she says her water broke.

So we head on over to the hospital all the while we are smiling and laughing calling all our family members back in the states, we can't look at each other straight either because we would laugh.  we get to the hospital and they put us in a room stating they are going to check up on her to see if her water broke or not, I give her this WTH you not see whats going on?!?! we get checked out and she brings her hands back up and says yup your water broke.

we get admitted into the hospital and we start waiting for everything to go down...and we keep waiting and I'm not the most patient person in the waiting game so I'm out walking around trying to pass time, when finally the next day she's 10 cm dilated and It's go time.  The nurses are telling her to breath in and out and I'm observing everything that's going on, I notice that when the nurses were  prepping her that she had only one sock on! I ask her what did you do to your other sock? lol.  I never did find out what happened to that sock.

She's such a trooper she pushed him out with 12 pushes and out came my little one.  2028 (8:28) ,
21 March 2015 6 pounds 15 OZ.  comment on your experiences you've had with your wife or even your own experience during pregnancy.

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