compelled to come on and bring everybody up to speed with how me and my wife are doing.
Life and times are changing we recently left Guam last month after three years of living the island life. It was a great and wonderful experience for my family we had our first child and had many first time experiences while there. Right now we have been relocated to sunny San Diego where i have checked into a new command and i am loving being back home for the holidays coming up.
San Diego we are always experiencing new things we bought a honda pilot and are loving every bit of it. We celebrated kingston's seven months in arizona where he had his first halloween as a little dinosaur.

Right now im just getting into It works its that crazy wrap thing maybe one or two of your friends have talked about and ive tried them a couple of times and they work. Ive felt better and definitely seen a change in my waist size. Im new to this but its something worth looking into 25 dollars a wrap and you could be looking at a new you. Check out my wifes website at you can definitely change your life around with being healthy let me know if your interested. you can definitely change your life around with being healthy let me know if your interested.